Residents Urged to Verify Alarm Contact Number

Residents Urged to Verify Alarm Contact Number
Posted on 12/23/2024

Residents Urged to Verify Alarm Contact Number

December 23, 2024 - The City of Seaford is urging its residents and those in the surrounding 19973-zip code to verify their fire, security and medical alarm companies are dialing the proper number for 911 emergency support.  

Calls for service are being and have been answered by Sussex County Emergency Communications, since 2020.  Sussex County Public Safety and Seaford officials have agreed to terminate the former number 302-629-6644, which has been forwarded to Sussex County Emergency Communications since that time.  All calls should be utilizing 302-855-2970, as the other communities in Sussex County.

In October, Sussex County Public Safety began reaching out to all to all fire, security and medical alarm companies to notify them of this change taking effect in January 2025.  As an extra layer of precaution, Seaford officials are recommending if you have a monitored system for medical, security or fire purposes, that you should reach out to your provider and ensure they have made this change already.  If they have not, please instruct them to change the contact number to 302-855-2970.

The safety of all our residents is and always will be of the utmost importance to the City of Seaford and Sussex County Emergency Communications.

Charles Anderson at (302) 629-9173 OR [email protected]