On January 11, 2015 Governor Markell designated Seaford as one of Delaware's first three Downtown Development Districts. With this ten year designation comes access to the Downtown Development District (DDD) Grant program and other incentives to leverage private investment to improve downtown, improve housing stock, and draw new business. On October 25, 2024 Governor Carney extended Seaford's designation another five years thru January 31, 2030. You can view our updated plan by clicking here.
The City is excited about this opportunity and what it can mean for our community. For more information about this program, available incentives and applications, visit the Delaware State Housing Authority and the Delaware Office of State Planning websites. To find out if your property or project qualifies, contact Trisha Newcomer, Economic Develoment Manager at 302.629.9173 or via email at [email protected].
Click here for our Info Request Form.