Seaford Christmas Parade 2024
The 2024 Seaford Christmas Parade is on for Saturday, December 7th at 7 p.m.! The theme this year is Let Freedom Ring with the Bells of Christmas. There is no rain date for the parade.
Seaford Christmas Parade Rules
-Preregistration is required for every entry by the time you check in.
-Registration for parade must be done by 12/2/24 by website or mail no later than 4 p.m.
-CHECK IN – 5 p.m. at the Nanticoke Senior Center (From Stein Highway, turn southbound on Sussex Avenue; take first road on the left, Locust Street; entrance will be first driveway on the right)
-You will be assigned a parade number which should be displayed on the right side of the lead entry. This is important to let the judges know who you are. All parade entries must check in.
-Decorations are required for every entry – if you have 3, all 3 must be decorated. Without decorations, you will not be able to be in the parade.
-Music – only Christmas music is allowed. Bands or any performance will be allowed 5 minutes in front of the judges stand to perform (located in Mt. Olivet parking lot). Area will be marked off for performance area.
-Judging for special categories will being during line up at 6:00 p.m.
-Distribution of any literature, soliciting, and canvassing of funds are prohibited and will be a cause of not being judged.
-Vendors must be authorized by parade committee- Alice Messick (443 786 3968) and pay a $25.00 fee.
-The following ordinances, laws and regulations of the City of Seaford must be followed:
-No alcoholic beverages or drugs
-No throwing candy from a moving entry – only walkers giving out candy
-Traffic control personnel will be visible along the parade route and must be obeyed.
-Step-Off is at 7:00 p.m. SHARP, beginning at Pennsylvania Avenue, down Nylon Boulevard, to High Street, left on Market Street, across Stein Highway, near Seaford Middle School for dispersal.
-Ther is no rain date for this event, listen to the local radio stations and on Facebook for potential cancellations if forecast conditions warrant.
-Trophies – winners will be posted on the website and in local paper. Pick up location to be determined. They must be picked up by February 1, 2025.