Staff Directory

Photo of Matthew MacCoy

Photo of Mike Bradley

charles anderson portrait

City Manager
Charles Anderson

june merritt portrait

Director of Finance & HR
June Merritt

bill bennett portrait

Director of Electric
Bill Bennett

No Picture Available

City Solicitor
Luke Mette

dan henderson portrait 

Dan Henderson

Photo Not Available

 Alan Quillen

marshall craft portrait

Chief of Police 
Marshall Craft

berley mears portrait

Director of Public Works 
Berley Mears

mike bailey portrait

Building Official
Mike Bailey

photo of fire chief wilson

SVFD Fire Chief  
John Wilson III

orlando holland portrait

Orlando Holland

Photo Not Available

Stephanie Grassett

 mike rapa portrait

Deputy Chief of Police 
Mike Rapa

trisha newcomer portrait

Dir. of Econ Dev & Comm Relat. 
Trisha Newcomer

katie hickey portrait

Supt. of Parks & Recreation
Katie Hickey

No Picture Available

SVFD President 
Patrick Gaskin